3 Things You Should Have Before Investing in the Stock Market

Before you start your investment and passive income journey, these are the three things you should have. You will know you’re ready to begin your investment when you have these things already. Preparation always gives successful results.

3 things you should have before investing stock market

1. Basic Knowledge

As they say, knowledge is power. Before you get involved with the stock market, you need to know first the basic concept of the stock market’s WHAT, WHY, and HOW.

  • What is a Stock Market?
  • Why do people invest in the stock market?
  • How to trade in the stock market?

What is a Stock Market?

In layman’s term, a stock market is a place or a platform where people buy and sell stocks. The stock market is also known as stock exchange; they both mean the same thing. Examples of stock markets in the world include the New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, Tokyo Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, and many more.

Why do people invest in the stock market?

1. To own shares of stock

If you buy shares of stock from a company listed in the stock exchange, you will become a shareholder of that company. It means you will become a co-owner of that company because a stock is an equity that represents your proportionate ownership in the company.

2. To earn money

There are two ways to earn money from stocks: when you close a profitable trade and when you receive dividends in the form of cash or stocks.

3. To learn financial skills

Investing and trading in the stock market will teach every person to be financially independent. As you invest and as you experience many months of trading, you will find yourself expanding your financial literacy. Soon you will find yourself spending more time on Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, and DailyPik than Facebook or Netflix.

How to trade in the stock market?

  1. Buy Shares (Long Position)
  2. Sell Shares (Short Position)
  3. Set a Target Price

1. Buy Shares (Long Position)

We buy shares, or we enter a long position when we believe the stock price of a company will increase in value. Many traders buy shares when there is a bullish trend, or when they anticipate the price will go up.

buy stocks long position
In this example, I believe Apple stocks will continue to bounce up so I’m making a BUY position of $100 worth of Apple shares using 287.79 rate

2. Sell Shares (Short Position)

We sell shares, or we open a short position when we believe the stock price of a company will decrease in value. We do this when we anticipate that the stock price will fall down or when we believe a bearish trend will happen.

sell stocks short position
In this example, I think that Apple stocks will fall down so I’m making a SELL position of $100 worth of Apple shares using 287.23 rate

3. Set a Target Price

Setting a Target Price (TP) will close any trade position automatically. This means you will lock in your profit anytime the stock hits your target price. Setting a TP is very convenient and smart.

In this example, I set 320.50 as my Target Price for my Apple Buy position. This means that when the price of Apple hit my TP, the trade will close automatically giving me $11.37 profit.
sell apple shares
In this example, I set 250.50 as my Target Price for my Apple SELL position. This means that when the price of Apple hit my TP, the trade will close automatically giving me $12.79 profit.

Factors Affecting the Movement of the Stock Market

Different factors affect the movement of stocks such as company earnings, analysts’ target prices, market trends, stock market news, geopolitical drivers, economic status, and unexpected events such as pandemic threats.

Investment Tip:

“Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1.”

– Warren Buffett (Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway)

2. Money

The second thing you should have before investing and trading in the stock market is money. Your money is your capital that you are going to grow by trading.

Make sure you only invest the money you are comfortable to lose. That means it is absolutely fine with you to lose that money because of risks. Despite of risks, your goal is to grow your MONEY.

Never invest your total savings in the stock market nor your whole retirement fund. Only invest around 10% to 20% of your monthly income or the money you won’t be needing in times of emergency.

Investment Tip:

“In the financial world, the higher the risk, the higher the reward. Stocks are way more profitable than regular time deposits and money market funds. But be careful; stocks are very risky.”

– Fehl Dungo (Founder of Dailypik)

3. Strategy

Successful investment requires an effective strategy. Your strategy will be based on your goal as an investor. If your goal is to invest for long term, a great strategy is buying shares of high-quality stocks or blue-chip stocks regularly.

Another strategy for beginners who want to invest for long term is dollar-cost averaging technique, which is a time-tested, proven strategy.

Short term trading is a bit challenging for beginners because it requires a strong stomach and well-disciplined skills.

Investment Tip:

“People who invest make money for themselves; people who speculate make money for their brokers.”

– Benjamin Graham (The Intelligent Investor)

Proceed to the NEXT STEP:

5 Effective Strategies for Beginners in the Stock Market

About Fehl Dungo

Founder of DailyPik, entrepreneur, and tech investor. She has a Degree in Accountancy and background in Finance. She analyzes stocks everyday. Connect with Fehl on Facebook

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