Philequity Fund Review – Mutual Fund Tips, Earnings

Philequity Fund Review. Why you should invest Philequity Fund? We are sharing here a review about Philequity Fund, one of the best mutual funds to invest with.

Check out the important details here including some tips to maximize your earnings and everything you need to know about Philequity Fund.

If you have 5,000 invested with Philequity Fund on February, 2000 and you left it untouched without adding any more funds to it, guess what is the value of that 5,000 now?

philequity fund review roi

It’s a whopping 50,732! Your 5,000 grew at exactly 914.65% effortlessly. How would you like to do that again? I’m sure very likely. 🙂

If you have invested 500,000 you would have made 5,073,274.10. Your half million just made 5 million. Time can make money.

Philequity Fund Review

Philequity Fund (XPEEQ) or PHILEQT:PM (Bloomberg Ticker) is an Equity Mutual Fund managed by Philequity Management, Inc. (PEMI).

Philequity has been cited as the best performing equity mutual fund in the Philippines because of its excellent performance and numerous awards by ICAP (Investment Company Association of the Philippines).

The biggest pride of PEFI is winning the best performing equity fund for the 5-year and 10-year categories 3 years in a row. It also won 1st Place for the 1-year Return category.

Why should you invest with Philequity Fund?

I get asked of that question too many times and my answers are not always based from the numerous awards of PEFI although they matter, my first answer is simply this:

PEFI has outperformed PSEI many times already and it is still rocking.

philequity vs psei
source: Bloomberg

I just love their fund allocation; it’s 88% equities and 12% cash/receivables (as of August 2015). Their equity composition is solid.

If you have been an equity investor for quite some time now, you know UITF and mutual funds don’t differ so much in terms of their holding companies.

The blue chips are always there but the allocation and strategy are what differs. Philequity’s aggressiveness and management are beyond impressive.

Philequity Fund’s Top 10 Holdings:

  • ALI
  • SM
  • TEL
  • SMPH
  • URC
  • AC
  • MBT
  • BPI
  • JGS
  • DNL

Philequity Fund Minimum Requirements:

Minimum Initial Investment for this mutual fund is P5,000 and minimum additional investment is P1,000. Annual management fee is 1.5% per annum. Exit fees will be waived if you keep your funds for more than 2 years.

If you’re investing with COL Financial as a broker, sales load is zero.

Tips to Maximize your Earnings:

Philequity Fund is suitable for investors with high risk appetite and with long-term investment horizon. The fund aims to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in equity securities listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange.

Given that you are aggressive and you can accept risks, keep on investing regularly until you reached your Target Period.

Since equity funds are suitable for 5 years and above, your Target Period must also be within that time frame.

Always remember that Philequity always selects the creme of the crop companies, there may be bumps and drops of stocks but your regular investment will help you minimize risks, same with your long term goal, it will help your fund grow more money.

Want to invest on mutual funds? Read our guides below:

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About Fehl Dungo

Founder of DailyPik, entrepreneur, and tech investor. She has a Degree in Accountancy and background in Finance. She analyzes stocks everyday. Connect with Dailypik on Facebook or subscribe to watch our videos on YouTube

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